Acceptance Commitment Therapy with Empower Counseling can help get back to living the life you want live right now..
Nothing about life has been ‘normal for over a year now. Covid-19 has made life difficult in so many ways. In some ways we have had to get back to the basics and think about survival. Being in survival mode can lead to constant and consistent stress and worry.
This stress and worry might make to difficult for you to get back to a routine, to thinking and doing other non-pandemic related activities.
So how do you do this?
Acceptance Commitment Therapy with Empower Counseling can help you gain clarity and re-focus on your values.
Over twenty years ago, researchers asked a group of Stanford students to go home over winter break and journal about their personal values and how the events of their day connected to these values. Another group of Stanford students was asked to simply journal about the positive events in their lives with no connection to their values.
After the break, researchers noticed that the students who journaled about their values were:
Experienced fewer illnesses.
Had better energy and attitude…
than those who merely journaled about their experiences.
This was not a one-off event. Since then, the results from this study have been replicated in over 100 other studies.
Researchers have found that journaling about values is one of the most effective psychological interventions ever studied.
Here are some of the many benefits of journaling about your values:
Feeling more powerful and in control.
Being Proud.
Feeling stronger.
Feel more loving, connected, and empathetic toward others.
It increases pain tolerance.
Journaling enhances self-control.
Reduces unhelpful rumination after a stressful experience.
Boosts GPAs,
Reduces doctor visits.
Journaling about your values improves overall mental health,
Journaling about your values can help with everything from quitting smoking, reducing drinking, and weight loss
It helps you persevere in the face of discrimination
Reduces self-limiting.
Kathryn with Empower Counseling in Birmingham, Alabama, is advanced trained in Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Acceptance Commitment Therapy is proven effective for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and difficult life transitions, like grieving the loss of a loved one.
Study after study shows why ACT’s multidimensional therapy approach is so helpful to struggling clients.
One of the most important aspects we at Empower Counseling focus on in therapy is value work.
I have seen client after client come to my office feeling stuck, worried about what they do not want to happen in life, spending too much time everyday ruminating about past mistakes, or worrying about what will happen in the future.
Through Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Kathryn can help you become more present focused with mindfulness and value work.
Value work can also help you step outside of your comfort zone. Anxiety and fear tell us we must stay within the confines of a tight comfort zone, that really is not comfortable at all. Staying in our comfort zones shrinks our lives and keeps us from being satisfied and fulfilled in the lives we are living.
If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, or you are grieving a loss, Acceptance Commitment Therapy with Empower Counseling can help you find the way toward a happier life, filled with meaning and purpose.
Stay tuned for the second part of this blog piece about living your values.
Empower Counseling offers ACT therapy for anxiety, depression, and difficult life transitions for professionals, young adults, college students and teens. We offer in-person and online counseling for everyone living in Homewood, Mountain Brook, Vestavia, Hoover and any other part of the state of Alabama.
Contact Empower Counseling today 205-730-6570 and begin to feel better.
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