“So come on let it go. Just let it be. Why don’t you be you and I’ll be me?”  —James Bay


Stepping into Anxiety: The Flip Side of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping into Anxiety: The Flip Side of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping into Anxiety: The Flip Side of Your Comfort Zone Anxiety is a common experience that many of us face in our daily lives. It can manifest in various ways, such as feeling nervous before a big presentation or worrying about an upcoming event. While anxiety is...

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Mental Health and Money: An Unexpected Relationship

Mental Health and Money: An Unexpected Relationship

Mental Health and Money: An Unexpected Relationship When we think about mental health, topics like stress, relationships, and work often come to mind. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the relationship between mental health and money. The American...

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Body Dysmorphia: How Often Does it Actually Occur?

Body Dysmorphia: How Often Does it Actually Occur?

Body Dysmorphia: How Often Does it Actually Occur? Body dysmorphia, also known as body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition characterized by a preoccupation with perceived flaws or defects in one's appearance. This preoccupation can lead to significant...

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