Mental health care for college students with Empower Counseling in Birmingham Alabama.
The prevalence of depression and anxiety in college students is increasing. Studies show that half of all college students screened positive for depression or anxiety in 2020.
Considerably more than half of college students, 83%, stated their academic performance was suffering due to their mental health.
Two-thirds of college students are suffering from loneliness.
It is not surprising that the pandemic has negatively impacted this demographic to the extent it has. If you look at college students through the lens of human development it is easy to understand why college students have become so lonely. College students are in the stage of development in which they are supposed to be moving away from family and toward finding themselves as individuals, but also, finding their group. The transition from high school to college is difficult enough without a pandemic, as well as, racial and political unrest.
2020 was extremely difficult for college students, especially freshman. We all create pictures of what we want our lives to look like. Imagine having an idea of what college is going to be like when you are finally old enough to go. That picture might include sorority rush, running to your new friends, going to parties, attending football games, and staying up late with the girls on your hall in the dorm talking about life. Freshman showed up on campus and experienced a completely different scenario that the one most had dreamed of for years.
Instead, there was no gathering inside, no big football games, and no in-person rush. So you have an 18 year old who has left the comfort and safety of home and an established friend group in high school, to an extremely lonely situation. Even the most well-adjusted teen would struggle in such a situation. Now throw in on-line zoom classes. Can you imagine?
Studies are also showing what is being called a “treatment gap”. Many of the college students who screened positive for anxiety or depression are not getting the counseling help they need. mental health care for college students with empower counseling in Birmingham, alabama can help.
Often times college students wait until they are in crisis before they reach out for help.
What can parents do to help provide strong mental health for their college students?
Don’t wait until your college student calls you in crisis. Check in with your student on a regular basis. If your student will not answer your calls or will not call you back, it might be time for a visit.
Listen for more than words in your conversation. Pay attention to tone of voice and whether your student is withholding information more than usual. Ask how your student is spending her day. Notice whether she is engaging with others or pulling away and spending too much time alone. How is she sleeping? Is she experiencing social anxiety that was not present before? Is she taking care of her hygiene?
mental health care for college students is importaNT. If you as a parent think that your student has changed significantly, even if you can’t put your finger on why, it may be time to reach out for help.
Empower Counseling specializes in working with college students who are anxious or depressed. Not only do we help students away from social anxiety but we help them find clarity about what is important to them, what they value. We help college students learn who they are and what they want, increasing sense of purpose and self-confidence.
Empower Counseling builds resilience in college students so they can bounce back from adversity and move forward toward they lives they want.
Empower Counseling offers in-person and online counseling for University of Alabama, Auburn, Samford, Birmingham-Southern, as well as, students from all other colleges and universities in the state of Alabama. Kathryn is advanced trained in Acceptance Commitment Therapy, proven effective treatment for anxiety and depression.
Empower Counseling also offers counseling for teens, young adults, and professionals. You don’t have to suffer. Reach out to Empower Counsel;ing today for the help you need. 205-730-6570.