Empower Counseling Helping Men Grow and Heal Empower Counseling helping men grown and heal. For many men the thought that they might need counseling may not occur to them. We are taught to be independent and in control of whatever situation we find ourselves in, and...
Therapy for men with Empower Counseling in Birmingham, Alabama: 3 Common Struggles Men Face with mental health. In a previous blog, I discussed how men are much less likely to seek help and therapy when they are dealing with mental health concerns than women. We seek...
Our brains limit us: How Counseling with Empower Counseling in Birmingham, Alabama can help. I was recently interviewed for an article entitled “Is it Possible to be Singe Forever?” By Sarah Nazim. When she asked me that specific question, “Is it possible to Stay...
Online and in-person counseling for college students needed now more than ever, says Empower Counseling. Scholars have declared a mental health crises among college students 1. College students have lost focus. Most college students were quickly moved to online at the...
COVID-19 SURGE IN DEPRESSION: IN-PERSON OR ONLINE COUNSELING FOR DEPRESSION AT EMPOWER COUNSELING IN BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. According to the U.S Census Bureau, in December 2020, more than 42% of those surveyed reported having symptoms of anxiety or depression. In 2019,...